Devin Flake

Site Reliability Engineer @Adobe
GNU/Linux + Open Source

Passing the CKA

Horray! I passed the CKA!   🤠


I was a bit nervous taking the exam yesterday especially after doing the practice test at The main problem was time. I knew the material but I was taking too long on each question. Granted, the questions on are admittedly harder than what you’ll find on the actual exam but given that you only have two hours to complete the exam, time management is key.

Happily, during the actual exam, I was able to manage my time well. I flagged questions that I thought were either too difficult or would take a long time. Then after getting through the whole test, I was able to go back and complete the questions I had flagged. I know that some of my answers were wrong or incomplete but the nice thing about the exam is that you can still get partial credit for those. It’s important to ‘apply’ or ‘create’ as many resources as you can even if you know it doesn’t fully work or is incomplete. I don’t know what score I got (it seems that the Linux Foundation doesn’t provide that information) but I’m still pleased with the result and I felt really confident afterward.

Now that the exam is over I’m looking forward to exploring more topics such as:

Meanwhile, I’m just basking in the accomplishment of passing the CKA. I put a lot of hard work into learning Kubernetes and it feels great to see the fruits of my labor!

Till next time!

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